Hola Todos! I really enjoyed writing the first part of the Chilenismos (link to which you can find here), so I thought I would write about some more of them and explain a little bit more about Spanish and the Chilean accent. I’d like to make a quick disclaimer that there might be some swearing… Read more »

Monthly Archives: June 2020
Hi Everyone! Hola Todos! This blog post is going to be about Chilean slang (Chilenismos), a few things that Chileans say that differ from the Spanish that’s spoken in Spain and just also explaining some things about Spanish in general. I do give out a warning, this post will probably use almost every swear word… Read more »
Culture Shock
I’ve touched very lightly on this topic previously but I thought I would write in a little bit more detail some of the cultural differences between Chile and Australia that I’ve noticed in my time here. To preface this post, I would like to re-iterate an adage within Rotary and Youth Exchange, which is ‘Not… Read more »
COVID-19 update
Hi everyone! It’s been about 3 weeks since I wrote my last blog post explaining what the situation around COVID-19 and Chile is, and things have changed a little bit, so I thought I would write a quick update. I would recommend reading my last blog post before this one, you can access it by… Read more »
Lista de Deseos: La Nieve
Hola Todos! I have a bucket list that I want to try and achieve by the end of my exchange, which you can see here. One of the things I wanted to experience in Chile was la nieve (snow). I’ve seen snow before, as I was born in Belgium and we’ve visited over the Christmas… Read more »
Lista de Deseos: Terremotos
Hola todos! I have a bucket list that I want to try and achieve by the end of my exchange, which you can see here. One of the things I wanted to experience in Chile was the earthquakes or los terremotos in espaƱol. Geographically, Chile sits on the edge of the Pacific tectonic plate, on… Read more »