Hola todos! Yet again, it has been about a month since my last COVID post so I thought I would update a bit because quite a bit has changed. As of writing this, yesterday 05/08/2020 (the numbers haven’t been updated for today yet), there are 1781 new cases, which is about 1k less than what… Read more »

Despidiendo amigxs, cambiando casas y mi cumpleaños :))
Farewelling friends, changing houses and my birthday Life in quarantine can be very boring, but I’m going to try to write about a few things that have been keeping me busy. :)) Despidiendo amigxs Farewelling friends Part of an exchange student’s exchange experience is having ‘oldies’, which refers to exchange students that were already living… Read more »
COVID-19 Update 3
01/07/2020 It’s been about a month since I last wrote a post about what the current situation is like in Chile, so it’s time to update on what’s going on. Most of my posts on the pandemic and quarantine have been kind of depressing, or at least I think, and while that makes sense since… Read more »
Chilenismos (Parte 2)
Hola Todos! I really enjoyed writing the first part of the Chilenismos (link to which you can find here), so I thought I would write about some more of them and explain a little bit more about Spanish and the Chilean accent. I’d like to make a quick disclaimer that there might be some swearing… Read more »
Hi Everyone! Hola Todos! This blog post is going to be about Chilean slang (Chilenismos), a few things that Chileans say that differ from the Spanish that’s spoken in Spain and just also explaining some things about Spanish in general. I do give out a warning, this post will probably use almost every swear word… Read more »
Culture Shock
I’ve touched very lightly on this topic previously but I thought I would write in a little bit more detail some of the cultural differences between Chile and Australia that I’ve noticed in my time here. To preface this post, I would like to re-iterate an adage within Rotary and Youth Exchange, which is ‘Not… Read more »
COVID-19 update
Hi everyone! It’s been about 3 weeks since I wrote my last blog post explaining what the situation around COVID-19 and Chile is, and things have changed a little bit, so I thought I would write a quick update. I would recommend reading my last blog post before this one, you can access it by… Read more »
Lista de Deseos: La Nieve
Hola Todos! I have a bucket list that I want to try and achieve by the end of my exchange, which you can see here. One of the things I wanted to experience in Chile was la nieve (snow). I’ve seen snow before, as I was born in Belgium and we’ve visited over the Christmas… Read more »
Lista de Deseos: Terremotos
Hola todos! I have a bucket list that I want to try and achieve by the end of my exchange, which you can see here. One of the things I wanted to experience in Chile was the earthquakes or los terremotos in español. Geographically, Chile sits on the edge of the Pacific tectonic plate, on… Read more »
La vida encerrada en la cuarentena
Life inside in quarantine. I’ve had a lot of friends and family asking about how quarantine and COVID-19 have been affecting me, my exchange and in Chile, and so I thought I would write a more in-depth response. Currently, the situation here isn’t looking too good, if I’m perfectly honest. As of today, 17th of… Read more »